Thomas A. McKean's Media Gallery

Thomas A. McKean's Media Gallery
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183 viewsBerries from outside Mic's house.
182 viewsMy computer's mouse, complete with 11 buttons.
Soon Will Come the Light182 viewsA song written by Thomas, performed live by Thomas and Joe Simmers. Joe on guitar.
What Mightiest Angel182 viewsMixed by Thomas. Written and sung by Nancy Blatnik. From live Lion of Judah worship.
More Peaks from Parker Road181 viewsAnother pic of the Peaks, as seen from Parker Road.
Another Charlie Brown Christmas179 viewsThomas wrote this as a Christmas play for the children to do at his church. The children's leader wanted something longer, so Thomas is posting this here if you want to read it. This story takes place one year after "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

This play is written in Screenplay format.
179 viewsClaudia, a'la "pinhole" shooting mode.
179 viewsMy father told me once that everyone needs a tea kettle, then he gave me this one. It was rusty when he gave it to me. That's my father!
179 viewsMy friend Ted accidentally took this picture of his own hand.
Patty Learns to Stop, Look, and Listen (1947)179 viewsJoin Patty as she learns how to cross the street safely.
This is My Father's World179 viewsMixed by Thomas (who wishes he could go back and turn up the vocals just a hair) and sung and played by Nancy Blatnik during Lion of Judah Worship. Excellent rendition of the classic hymn.
178 viewsMy TV remote.
Take My Heart178 viewsFrom Lion of Judah worship. Nancy Blatnik plays and sings, Thomas mixes.
177 viewsA couple of people fishing in Liberty Lake.
The Lions of Judah177 viewsFirst few pages of an animated screenplay Thomas is working on. Based upon a true story.
When Will You Come?177 viewsThomas mixes this live worship song of Nancy Blatnik singing one her original songs. Very evengelical. Very Dylanic.
Ambien176 viewsAmbien advertisement goes on as man suffers serious, but fun, Ambien side effect.
Open Spaces, Fancy Farm Road173 viewsWide open spaces, with room to make the big mistakes.
Fire: Patty Learns What to Do (1951)173 viewsPatty returns four years later to learn about what to do in case of a fire.
Safety in Offices (1944)173 viewsYou wouldn't think there would be danger in an office. You would be wrong. Learn how to keep yourself and fellow employees safe in an office atmosphere.
357 files on 18 page(s) 11